k ^:'-"^*r^'V
MAY igio
Price Twenty-five Cents
An Hiftorical and Genealogical Magazine
Pub li/hed by the Editor, Benjamin Myer Brink
g. », Andevfon *• Son, Prinitrs, W. Strand, Kmgjtem, //. Y.
*• --5' 'v * iit'-'^i^I'^j
it ,:f ^'
lstp:r County
SAVINGS Institution
No. 2.78 Wall Street
Kingston, New York
Depofits, $3,500,000.00
No. 273 Wall Street
Kingston, New York
James A. Betts, Pres Chas. Tappen, Treas
Myron Teller, ) j.- p Chas. H. DeLaVergne,
John E. Kraft, f ^^^'-^^^^ Asst Treas.
J. J. Linson, Counsel
Vol. VI MAY, 1910 No. 5
The Hardenbergh, or the "Great " Patent 129
Governor George Clinton, Twenty-first Paper.... 137
Colonel McClaghry's Freedmen 143
The Day Line of One Hundred Years Ago 143
The Effect of a Patriotic Address 145
The Settlement of the Town of Hunter 146
Marriage Notices in Old Kingston Papers. 149
" Patriots of New Paltz " 151
The Van Aaken and Allied Fawiilies 151
May in Kington..,. 158
Editorial Notes 160
Book0eUer0 an^ Stationera
yjlE have .1 few copies of the Dutch Church Records
(LJLP of Kirigston (baptisms and marriages from 1660
through 1 8 10) elegantly printed on 807 royal
quarto pages, with exhaustive index containing rtfer-
ences to 44,388 names, edited by Chaplain R. R. Hoes,
U. S. N., and printed by the DeVinne Press. N. Y. But
few Knickerbocker families can trace their ancestry
)vithout reference to this volume.
^ Dr. Gustave Anjou*s Ulster County Probate Rec-
ords trom 1 665 ; invaluable in tracing ancestry — in tw^
We rilso have a large line of Souvenir l^oslai Cards show-
ing local scenrs, including the Revolutionary Buildings
Souvenir Spoons, commemorating 250th anniver
sary of the founding of Kingston. Specially prepared
by the Gorham Company.
Vol. VI MAY, 1910 No. 5
The Hardenber^h, or
the ''Great'' Patent
|HIS magazine has frequently com-
mented upon the propensity to add
as much romance as possible to the
striking features of the incidents
worthy of note in the history of the
old county. The story of the Har-
denbergh Patent has not escaped. Here was a great
region given to a few individuals and within its borders
many striking events took place. All these, of them-
selves, are worthy of the pen of a graphic writer. But
much more has been added to the recital of the story.
It has been claimed, for instance, that the great
domain was granted to Johannes Hardenbergh for his
services with the great Duke of Marlborough in the
campaign of 1704 which culminated in the memorable
battle of Blenheim. In evidence thereof it is said that
he was knighted by Queen Anne and it is claimed that
his signature thereafter was just his surname " Harden-
Olde Ulster
bergh,'' and that the records in the office of the clerk
of Ulster county show this.
We will deal with these matters in the reverse
order. In most of the signatures in the office of the
county clerk there is a separate letter " J '' before his
name. In those on which the claim rests the " J " is
formed from part of the " H " of the surname as a
monogram. The battle of Blenheim was fought on the
13th of August, 1704 and the records of both the
county of Ulster and of the old Dutch church of
Kingston show him to have been in this county during
that eventful summer of 1704. More than all, the
patent was not granted to him, individually, at all. He
was one of seven men, and it was purchased, first of
the Indians and then of Queen Anne, through her rep-
resentative, Lord Cornbury, the governor of the royal
Province of New York, and the consideration was
named in the patent. To the seven patentees an
eighth was added, and in 1749 the great tract was
divided into " great lots " and each of the partners
released unto the others the title thereto, reserving to
himself the title to his own, and taking from them their
interest therein. So that Johannes Hardenbergh never
owned more than one-seventh of what was called by
his name in the "Great Patent," and actually but
Previous to this year (i749y'several of the proprietors
had sold their interest and others were dead. In that
year Robert Livingston owned five-sixteenths; Gulian
Verplanck three-sixteenths : Johannes Hardenbergh,
Jr., Charles Brodhead and Abraham Hardenbergh
together two-sixteenths ; John Wenham two-six-
The Hardenbergh, or the ''Great'' Patent
teenths ; the heirs and assigns of Leonard Lewis two-
sixteenths ; the heirs of Benjamin Faneuil two-six-
teenths. Most of the patent was surveyed that year
by Ebenezer Wooster and the bounds were marked by
monuments along the Delaware and Papakunk rivers.
The steps in acquiring this great tract were these :
On the 22nd of March, 1707 Johannes Hardenbergh,
then a merchant in the Esopus (Kingston), purchased
of Nanisinos, "an Indian of the Esopus Indians, and
rightful owner and proprietor of several parts of land
in the County of Ulster," an immense stretch of land,
paying therefor the sum of " sixty pounds current
money of New York." This deed bears the sign of
the above-named Indian and thus describes the lands
conveyed :
"All that track of Land Lying and being in the county
of Ulster aforesaid, running from certain Hills that lye on
the south east side of the meadow or low land that lies on
the fish Creeke River or kil to the north west of Marbletown
bounds, and all the north west part of the hills and moun-
tains that range from the blue hills north west Ten miles,
and streaches north easterly on the brows of sd hills as they
range to the bound or the County of Albany, and south-
westerly on the brows of said hills as they range opposite the
west corner of Marbletown bounds ; and still further south
westerly with the full breadth from the north west boundaries
of Rochester, to where the said ten miles end. Running so
far as to run with a due South east line to a certain fall in
the rondout called by the Indians hootick, which is the north
bound of the land called Nepenath, belonging to Jacob Rut-
sen and Jan Jans Bleecker."
These bounds were indefinite enough to create
Olde Ulster
innumerable disputes. The " Fish Kil " was the name
applied to the west branch of the Delaware river above
its junction with the east branch. Did the Indian
grant reach to the west branch ? Besides, the territory
between the two branches was claimed as the lands of
the Oneidas (Olde Ulster, Vol. III., page 324). If
so an Esopus Indian had no right to it.
Having obtained his Indian deed Johannes Har-
denbergh applied to the colonial authorities for con-
firmation of title. On the 20th day of April, 1708 the
patent was granted. It was in the name of Queen
Anne and set forth that
** Our Loving Subjects Johannes Hardenbergh Leonard
Lewis Phillip Rokeby William Nottingham Benjamin Faneuil
Peter Fauconnier & Robt Lurting by their humbly Petition
Presented ... in Councill have Pray'd our
Grant & Confirmation of a Certain tract of Vacant and unap-
propriated Land Scituate in the Countys of Ulster & Albany.
" Beginning att the Sand Bergh or Hills att ye Northeast
Corner of the Lands Granted to Ebenezer Wlllson Derick
Vandenbergh &c at Minisinck so Running all along their line
Northwesterly as the said Line Runs to the fifish Kill or
River and so to the head thereof Includeing the same thence
on a Direct Line to the head of a Certain Small River Com-
monly known by the Name of Cartwrights kill [Cauterskill]
and so by the Northerly Side of the said Kil or River to the
Northermost Bounds of Kingstown on the said Kil or River
thence by the Bounds of Kingstown Hurley Marbletown
Rochester and other Patented Lands to the Southward
thereof to the Sandbergh the place where it first Begun."
The patent was to be divided into seven equal
parts and held
The Hardenbergh, or the *' Great " Patent
" In free & Comon Soccage as of our Mannor of East
Greenwich in the County of Kent within our Kingdome of
England Yielding & Paying therefore unto us our Heirs &
Successors att our Custom House att New Yorke Yearly &
every Yeare ... att or upon the ffeast Day
of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Comonly
Called Lady Day) the Rent or Sume of three Pounds Cur-
rant Money of our Province of New York in Liew and Stead
of all other Rents Services Dues Duties and Demands
Soon after the grant was made to the seven part-
ners an eighth interest was by them released to Aug-
ustine Graham, Surveyor-General of the Province.
This officer was forbidden to be a party to a land
grant in the province. But such things could be as
well arranged in those days as in the present.
For many years there was a dispute as to the
western bound of the great patent. When the Rev-
olutionary War had brought peace it was found that
the monuments erected by Wooster had disappeared.
An act was passed by the legislature March 29th,
1790 appointing Charles Tappen and James Cockburn
commissioners to make a survey of certain lines and
properly mark the same by stone heaps every two
miles. The patent was divided into great tracts, num-
bered from I to 42.
An interesting story can be told of the lettings and
holdings of farms and other lands of the great Har-
denbergh Patent. They were held under long leases
and subject to a rental not very large. In 1844 the
settlers refused to pay the annual rent any longer.
They called upon the Legislature for aid, as well as
Olde Ulster
appealed to the courts. In 1845 associations were
formed to prevent the collection of rent. When the
sheriff attempted to make a levy or to sell property
for rent, men, disguised as Indians, appeared to pre-
vent such sale. An act was passed that year making
such prevention unlawful. In August of that year the
sheriff of Delaware county went to the town of Andes
to sell such property for the payment of rent. Here
he found one hundred and seventy-six men, thus dis-
guised, who told him to do his duty and they would
protect him, but added, "let bidders beware." The
deputy sheriffs rode into the midst of the disguised
men and fired their revolvers. The disguised men
gave way but fired at the horses of the deputies and
deputy-sheriff Osman N. Steele was mortally wounded.
About ninety persons were indicted for murder, of
whom one-third were arrested. A proclamation was
issued by Governor Wright declaring the county in a
state of insurrection and placing it under martial law.
Two men were convicted and sentenced to be executed.
Governor Wright commuted their sentence to impris-
onment for life. They were afterwards pardoned by
Governor Young. After four months the ban of mar-
tial law was removed. The killing of Steele led to an
abandonment of secret organizations and Indian cos-
tumes. It is said that the legal expenses amounted to
about $65,000.
Aside from the troubles occasioned by the non-
payment of rent on lands in the present county of Del-
aware, in the years named, like troubles arose within
the bounds of the present county of Ulster on the same
Hardenbergh Patent at Little Shandaken. There were
The Hardenbergh, or the " Great '^ Patent
men disguised, there was firing of guns, there was
opposition to the payment of rent, there were arrests
and trials. No h'ves were lost ; eight disguised men
were arrested and tried and nominal fines were
imposed. Legislation was subsequently enacted by
which title could be secured to property held under
long leases, the troubles blew over and are almost for-
gotten at this day. The name of Hardenbergh Patent
survives. Not as much can be said of a Hardenbergh
interest therein. Great stretches of mountain land
are still held by landlords, but this great patent never
profited greatly the original owners.
It was truly a royal domain. While it lay, when
granted, almost entirely within the bounds of Ulster
county, as originally constituted, the changes wrought
by the erection of new counties leave not much more
than one-third of the area of the patent within the Uls-
ter county of to-day. One-half of Delaware county
lies in the great grant, about one-half of Greene and a
large extent of Sullivan. While many square miles
were mountains and rock hills, while hundreds of acres
were morasses, while thousands of lots which show
upon the maps are to-day in the condition in which
they were two hundred years ago there were fertile
valleys and hillsides awaiting cultivation to produce
bountiful harvests. From the hemlocks covering the
mountain sides millions of dollars in leather have been
produced ; from the quarries of bluestone fortunes
have been made. The region to-day is the great sum-
mering resort for tens of thousands of the dwellers in
the cities on the Atlantic and the many millions of
inhabitants of the great City of New York are pre-
Olde Ulster
paring to draw their water supply from the streams in
its valleys.
The late author of '' Ruttenber's Indian Geograph-
ical Names " used to contend that the name Kaaters-
kill (Katerskill, Cauterskill) was not derived from the
word of the Dutch language meaning " he cat." He
insisted that it was from Katarakt, the Dutch word for
waterfall or cataract. In view of the many and
beautiful waterfalls on this mountain stream, it seems
very appropriate. It is a fact that the early Indian
deeds of the region have it either " Cartwright's kil," as
does the above deed of Nanisinos, or " Katarakts kil.*'
There is an interesting matter connected with the
Hardenbergh Patent and Chancellor Robert R. Liv-
ingston. In process of time the Livingston family
came to own a great part of the patent. Upon the
burning of Kingston by the British general Vaughan
and the great loss to so many of its inhabitants, Chan-
cellor Livingston offered five thousand acres to the
sufferers among the people of Kingston as a gift, pro.
vided that they be located outside of settlements upon
the patent. A meeting was appointed for April 15th,
1779 when the Kingston trustees directed William
Cockburn, the surveyor, to attend with his maps of the
patent. After consultation with Surveyor Cockburn
Peter Du Mont, Jr. and Peter Hynpagh a tract of land
was selected near Paghatackan (Arkville) on the west
side of the East Branch ot the Delaware river in Great
Lots Nos. 39 and 40. The tract was divided into fifty-
acre lots and arranged into ten classes of ten lots each.
This tract was named ''New Kingston," and bears
that name to this day.
Governor ^ ^ ^ ^
George Clinton
Twenty-First Paper
TTENTION has been frequently called
in this series of papers to the debt
the American people in general, and
the State of New York in particular,
owe to Governor Clinton for the
financial assistance he rendered the
cause of the patriots during the long Revolutionary
struggle when neither the Continental Congress nor
the Legislature of the State of New York was able to
secure the necessary money to carry on the operations.
With the surrender of Lord Cornwallis and the pros-
pect of an early recognition of the independence of
the United States Governor Clinton felt himself jus-
tified in calling to the notice of Congress the debt due
him. Accordingly he wrote upon December 3rd, 1781
to one of the representatives of the State in Congress,
William Floyd, who will be remembered as one of the
signers of the Declaration of Independence, and
directed attention to the fact that as far back as 1776,
when the American army lay at Kingsbridge, Com-
missary Trumbull had requested him to secure for the
army five thousand bushels of wheat. The " military
chest was exhausted " and Clinton had paid the bill
Olde Ulster
from his private means. Some time thereafter a part
had been re-paid in depreciated currency. The rest
had never been reimbursed Clinton. There was still
due him over one thousand pounds.
With the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown on
October 19th, 1781 the war was over. Not that there
were no other bloody affairs, not that peace had come
permanently. But both in America and Europe it was
recognized that the independence of the American
states had been secured and Great Britain had been
compelled to acknowledge it. On September 3rd,
1783 the final Treaty of Peace was signed. During
the summer of 1782 Savannah had been evacuated by
the British, in December of that year Charleston saw
the enemy depart, leaving New York alone in posses-
sion of the forces of King George. Yet this made the
disbanding of the patriot army impossible so long as
British troops were at the mouth of the Hudson, and
the impoverished and impatient army of Washington
at Newburgh watched Sir Guy Carleton, the British
commander, during the weary months of the summer
and fall of 1782. In the issue of January, 1910 (Vol.
VI., pages i-ii)this magazine showed the effects of
the idleness upon the weary, half-fed and impoverished
patriot army.
The occupation of the City of New York by the
enemy had nearly ruined the city. Its public build-
ings had been used for army purposes, its fences,
sheds and abandoned houses torn down to supply fuel
to the troops and its commerce, aside from the sup-
ply of the British army, departed. It was necessary
that the departure of the British authority be succeed-
Governor George Clinton
ed by an immediate possession by the forces of the
Americans. So on April 8th, 1783 Governor Clinton
detailed Egbert Benson to wait upon Sir Guy Carle-
ton, the British commander, and ask that arrangements
be made for a convention for the " speedy obtaining
possession of the Southern District of this State."
Carleton was not disposed to enter into such a con-
vention at that time. Benson thus reported to Clinton
and that Carleton seemed to be attempting to delay
matters. On the 6th of the following May a confer-
ence was held at Orangetown, Rockland county, New
York in which the participants were General Washing-
ton, Governor George Clinton, Egbert Benson, John
Morin Scott, Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. and Sir Guy
Carleton. The last named expressed himself willing
to withdraw his troops from Westchester county but
not from Long Island until transports arrived sufficient
to carry away all the British troops. He would agree
to evacuate every other post in the United States.
On the 13th Carleton notified Governor Clinton that
Westchester county had been cleared of such troops
that day and that he should " relinquish the whole
with all possible speed." On the 15th Clinton directed
Chief Justice Morris to repair to Westchester county
with all possible dispatch, and take " the most effect,
ual measures for reducing to order & good government
a country which has been for so long a time without
Considerable friction arose between the patriot
authorities and the British commander over the banish,
ment of the Tories or loyalists, and the confiscation of
their estates. The bitterness that had been increasing
Olde Ulster
with the years of the long war had thus culminated.
It seems to have been necessary. But Americans of
the twentieth century deplore it. It certainly worked
great and cruel hardship. In nothing have times
changed more than in the treatment of those who have
differed in civil matters and held views antagonistic to
the majority and to prevailing sentiment in the nation
or the neighborhood.
In September, 1783 Governor Clinton was prostra-
ted with a fever. It was in the midst of a sharp cor-
respondence with Carleton. Not being able to attend
to the matter himself the governor forwarded copies
of the correspondence to Congress. But by the mid-
dle of October matters had reached a favorable settle-
ment. Clinton had recovered from his illness ; Wash-
ington had written him of his concern for the speedy
recovery of the governor ; the probabilities were that
Carleton would sail by November loth and winter find
the country clear of the presence of an enemy. Thus
Clinton replied to Washington's expressions of con-
cern for his health.
On the I2th of November Carleton notified Gov-
ernor Clinton that the 22nd of November would see
the withdrawal of his troops. Washington had a con-
ference with Clinton on the 14th in regard to occupa-
tion by the Americans, and on the next day the
governor issued a proclamation giving notice thereof.
A copy was sent to Carleton. But a rain set in on the
morning of the 22nd and continued until next day.
The withdrawal was then postponed until the 25th.
Carleton had notified Washington that he had discov-
ered a plot to plunder the town upon the withdrawal
of the British and sent the same information to Gov-
Governor George Clinton
ernor Clinton. This was guarded against by the
advance of the patriot army as that of the British
retired. The happy procession of citizens, after the
troops had taken possession, was led by General
Washington and Governor Clinton and their suites on
horseback, side by side. Passing down Broadway to
Fraunce's Tavern Governor Clinton gave at that never-
to-be-forgotten hostelry a dinner to the Commander-in
Chief and the other general ofificers which was long
remembered, but which has been confounded in mem-
ory with the much more famous one at the same place
on the 4th of December when Washington bade fare-
well to the of^cers of the army. Addresses were pre-
sented on the former occasion to both of these com-
manders. To Washington was presented an " Address
of the Citizens of New York who have returned from Ex"
ile, in behalf of themselves and their SufferingBrethren."
To Clinton from " The Fire Engineers of the several
Fire Engines, and Companies belonging to the same."
This magazine (Vol. I., pages 277 and 278) told the
story of the nailing of the British colors to the flagpole,
which had been greased, before the last soldier
departed. It told of the successful raising of the
American flag by John Van Arsdale, one of the patriot
soldiers and an Ulster county man. It was one of the
incidents of the day longest remembered in connection
with the coming into their own of the patriots.
With the final close of the war the military career of
Governor Clinton practically ended. If these papers
should be continued they will deal with the civil
administration of the governor during his long occu-
pancy of the executive chair in bringing to a success-
ful adjustment the complicated affairs of a new state.
Olde Ulster
The Day Line of One Hundred Years Ago
The April number of Olde Ulster, pages 1 16 and
117, gave the substance of the will of Colonel Mc-
Claghry manumitting his slaves and providing for their
future. It is worth while noting in this connection
that these freednien located at a place called " Honey-
Pot," in the centre of the town of Wallkill, Orange
county, and maintained themselves not only, but
prospered in a worldly point of view. They were
greatly respected by their white neighbors. Succeed-
ing generations did not do as well as the freed men
and women. At the present time few of the descend-
ants of the manumitted slaves live in the settlement*
Through the courtesy of William C. Hart, secretary
of the Wallkill Valley Publishing Association, we
present this month a re-production of an old painting
discovered in Dutchess county, New York by a repre-
sentative of the Hudson River Day line. It was taken
from " The Evolution of a Hundred Years," issued by
F. B. Hibbard, General Passenger Agent of that line.
It is entitled "The Albany Day Line One Hundred
Years Ago at one of its relay stations, while passing
through the Hudson River Valley in a terrific Snow
Robert Fulton's successful steamboat, the Clermont^
made its celebrated trip from New York to Albany
Olde Ulster
August 17th, 1807. It revolutionized travel and
transportation. We present herewith the advertise-
ment of the Albany Day Line of one year and eight
months preceding that famous voyage. It is copied
from the Plebeian, a weekly paper published in Kings-
ton, New York, at that time and still published in that
city under the present name of the Kingston Argus.
The advertisement is from the issue of Friday, May
16, 1806:
JV*. York S- Mhany Mail-Stage
WILL start from this town for New-York
and Albany EVERY DAY at four o'-
clock in the morning. Seats may be engaged for
either place at the house of Chester Clark,
from which place the stages start. The Proprie-
tors of this line return their thanks for the liberal
support they have received, and flatter themselves
that the arrangements they have lately made to
accommodate the public, and the certainty of the
conveyance, will ensure to them a continuance of
the public patronage.
Kingston, Januaiy, 1806. 33
The route from Kingston to Albany was the Old
Kings Road. This was from Kingston north along
the present Saugerties Road through Fox Hall to the
ford of the Esopus at Katrine at the mouth of the
Sawkill. Thence along the west side of the Esopus
creek through Plattekill, Katsbaan, Leeds (Old Cats-
kill) and Coxsackie to Albany. From Kingston south
the stages proceeded through Rosendale and New
Paltz up the Wallkill and by the way of Goshen to
New York City.
The Effect of a Patriotic Address
The success of the cause of the patriots in the
efforts to secure liberty and independence during the
long War of the Revolution was due to a remarkable
degree to the patriotic ministers of the gospel,^of that
day. This mag^azine has often spoken of the patriot"
ism of Domines Doll, De Ronde and Schuneman.
Eager's " History of Orange County, New York," tells
the story of the patriotic address of the Reverend
Robert Annan, pastor of the Associate Reformed
Church of Little Britain, which was then in Ulster
county, and its remarkable result, in the following
paragraph :
" In the fall of 1775, the people of Boston, by reason of
the great scarcity of supplies and provisions, applied to our
State for aid, and accordingly a public meeting was called
and convened in the town of Hanover (now Montgomery).
In the meantime, the friends of the mother country, always
on the alert, had procured the services of a talented orator,
for the purpose of defeating the objects of the meeting. As
no one could be found among the adherents of the cause of
liberty who was able to speak in public, recourse was had to
Mr. Annan, who at first declined, but at length consented.
A multitude were assembled on the occasion, to hear a dis-
cussion upon a subject which was then the absorbing topic
of the day. The discussion was conducted for some time
with fairness and ability on either side, until at length, to
check the strife of angry words, and to test the disposition
of the assembly, Mr. Annan suddenly said, * as many as are
in favor of assisting the people of Boston and the cause of
liberty, follow me. ' The effect was electric ; immediately
upon his leaving the house he beheld, to his utter astonish-
ment, the whole multitude at his heels."
OLde Ulster
The highest peaks of the eastern Catskills He within
the limits of the town of Hunter, now in Greene
county, New York. Within this town is the old and
celebrated "Catskill Mountain House," built one hun-
dred years ago upon a precipice overlooking the Hud-
son river, the great " Hotel Kaaterskill," and the
famous falls of the Katerskill (see page 136 of this
issue upon the name).
The town was part of Ulster county, originally. It
was set off from the town of Windham as the town of
Greenland, January 27, 1813. Its present name was
given it April 15, 18 14, when a part of its territory was
added to the town of Saugerties. Part of the town of
Jewett was taken off in 1849. The town received the
name of Hunter from John Hunter, who was an early
proprietor of a part of the great Hardenbergh Patent.
The town is said to have received its earliest settlers
in a peculiar way. Students of American history
know of the neighborhood bitterness and conflict
raging in Westchester county, New York, during the
Revolution. It was neutral ground. It lay between
the American and British lines and was ravaged by
troops from both armies. Among those denounced as
"suspected persons" and whose names are to be found
in the volume " New York in the Revolution, Supple-
ment," is that of Samuel Hains, and his name appears
among the British prisoners of war. And among those
whose estates were confiscated appear those of John
Haines and Elijah Haines. These men disappeared
The Settlement of the To7vn of Hunter
from Westchester county, where they had been
denounced as "cowboys," and their whereabouts were
not known. It seemed that they had tired of their
un[)opularity with their neighbors and quietly left.
They made their way through Ulster county and up
the valley of the Esopus to Mink Hollow and thence
over the mountains. They reached the valley of the
Schoharie in the vicinity of the present village of Tan-
nersville and settled in the bottom lands, then far from
civilization. About the close of the war some Dutch
settlers of Ulster county, while hunting bears, came
upon their settlement. To it were soon added a num-
ber of families from Massachusetts. Those who have
read of the affair known as " Shay's rebellion." in
Massachusetts, whereby a number of patriot soldiers,
who were in want because the arrearages of their pay
had made them so, joined with Captain Daniel Shay in
an effort to force the authorities to give them what
they claimed to be their own, will remember that upon
the overthrow of the insurrection, Shay and many of
his followers fled to Schoharie county, New York. He
afterward went to Sparta, Livingston county, in this
State, where he died and was buried. The followers
of Shay who came with him to Schoharie threaded
their way up the Schoharie creek to the vicinity of
Hunter. Here they, too, found the Westchester
county refugees. Within this peaceful valley all were
willing to live a life of harmony after the long and
strenuous conflict, which had resulted in the inde-
pendence of their country.
The next two generations cleared most of the for-
est lands for the bark of the hemlocks for tanning.
Olde Ulster
Then this town became the centre of the Catskill
mountain summer-boarding region. Tannersville,
almost deserted during the remainder of the year,
overflows with the business of June, July, August and
September. The first settlers had sought this valley
as their conception of the farthest retreat from the
haunts of men. This was little more than one hundred
years ago. To-day Hunter, Haines' Falls, Tannersville
and Kaaterskill are known throughout the country and
far outside its bounds as one of the most popular and
delightful retreats from the heat, noise and distraction
of the great cities of the Atlantic coast. Within the
bounds of the town are a nuinber of " parks," such as
Onteora, Twilight, Elka, Santa Cruz and others, where
the beautiful in nature has been developed by art,
until no more charming spots are to be found in
The erection of the Catskill Mountain House, a
century ago, led to this part of the Catskills artists,
literary men and women and thousands of the lovers
of beauty and sublimity. The falls of the " Cauters-
kill " were immortalized by Bryant in a poem ; Cooper
did the same with the rock on which the Catskill
Mountain House was built and Cole, the painter, set
forth with his brush many of the scenes of beauty.
Thus when the Catskills were mentioned that part
which Hunter includes became, to a large extent, the
part meant by those who described. It is within the
last forty years that other, and less widely known sec-
tions, have come into their own. Nevertheless, the
Catskills of the town of Hunter will continue to attract
by the charm that is forever theirs.
Marriage Notices in Old Kingston Papers
From the Plebeian of December, 6, 1814 :
In Kingston Mr. Joseph Clawater to Helena Cham-
bers, all of Marbletown,
From Plebeian of December 13, 1814:
Last evening by the Rev. John Gosman the Rev.
Peter Sylvester Wynkoop, pastor of the Reformed
Dutch church of Cattskill, to Miss Margaret W. Gos-
man, youngest daughter of Mr. Robt. Gosman of this
Sunday evening by the Rev. John H. Carle, Mr.
Levi Benton to Miss Ann Traver McGinnis of Mar-
On Thursday evening last by Andres Roosa, Esq.,
Mr. Levi Roosa, Jr., to Miss Catherine Dawaal, both of
On Thursday last, at New York, by the Rev. Dr.
John B. Romeyn, Samuel Sherwood, Esq., of Delhi,
Delaware county, N. Y., to Miss Lavia Bostwick of
From Plebeian of December 20, 1814 :
At Schenectady, by the Rev. Mr. Sebbin the
Rev. James Murphy, pastor of the Reformed Dutch
Church, of Rochester, Ulster county. New York and
Miss Catherine Kingsley of the first mentioned place.
Olde Ulster
From Plebeian of June 27, 181 5 :
On Tuesday last, by the Rev. Mr. Bronson, Mr.
Stephen Wiest to Miss Rachel Freer, both of Esopus
From The Craftsman of March 29, 1820 :
On Wednesday March 29, 1820 by the Rev. John
Gosman, Mr. William Tremper to Miss Gertrude Can-
tine, both of this town.
On Wednesday, May 17, 1820, by the Rev. Peter
A. Overbagh, in Kingston, Mr. John DuBois of Saug-
erties to Miss Ann Whitaker, of the town of Kingston.
On Wednesday May 17, 1820, Mr. Thomas Davis
to Mrs. Sally Van Leuven, widow of Peter A. Van
Leuven, deceased.
At Kingston, May 17, 1820, Mr. James Burhans to
Miss Margaret Burhans, both of Flatbush, town of
At Kingston May 17, 1820, by the Rev. William
R. Bogardus, Mr. David Hutchings to Miss Sally Low,
both of Esopus.
From Craftsman of May 31, 1820:
At Kingston, on Wednesday May 31, 1820, by the
Rev. John Gosman, Mr. Lucas Elmendorf, Jr., of Hur-
ley, to Miss Hannah Thompson of Rhode Island.
At Woodstock May 31, 1820, by the Rev. Peter A.
Overbagh, Mr. William B. Sheldon, of New Milford,
Conn., to Miss Ann Bonesteel of Woodstock.
The VanAaken and Allied Families
You, who feel disposed to alleviate your brethren in arms
who have been detached from the 92nd Regiment, are
requested to meet at the house of Sam' Budd, Innkeeper, in
said town, on Friday the 30th inst at 3 o'clock P. M.
Jacob I. Hasbrouck Josiah DuBois
(From the Plebeian September 27, 1820).
Continued from Vol. VI, page 124
(DCCXLII.) Elizabeth Van AKEN^Qohn Win-
field^, Jacobs, Benjamin^ Jan^, Peter^, Marinusi) mar-
ried Martin Van Wagenen. Children :
(825) James Wesley Van WagenenS: Born ; mar-
ried Amelia Riggens and had issue Lester Van
Wagenen ; Eva Van Wagenen.
(826) Leona Van Wagenen^ : Born ; married
Charles Terpenning. Issue one son.
(827) iVIartha Jane Van Wagenen^ : Born ; mar-
ried James C. Van Vliet. Issue Arvetha Elisa-
beth Van Vliet : Martin Van Wagenen Van
Note. — An error occurred on page gi of Vol. VI (March,
igio) in which Charlotte Van Aken (723) is given as the
child of Titus Osterhoudt and Mary Van Aken (722). She
was sister of Mary Van Aken and John L. Van Aken (721);
aHd daughter of Benjamin I. Van Aken. The error is
repeated in the April, igio issue of this magazine, in the
footnote to page 117.
Olde Ulster
(828) Elsie Van WagenenS : Born ; died Aug. 9,
(DCCXLV.) William Henry Van Aken' (Solo-
mon T.6, Jacobs, Benjamin^, Jan^, Peter^, Marinus^)
married Leah Deyo. Children :
(829) Catherine Jane^ : Born ; married George
(830) Martha Ann^ : Born .
(831) Charles William^ : Born ; married Mattie
(832) Albert S.s : Born .
(833) Emma^: Born .
(834) Jessie ReliaS: Born .
(835) Cornelia S.8: Born ; died Jan. 3, 1887.
(836) George William^ : Born .
(DCCXLVIII.) Fannie E. Van Aken? (Solomon
T.6, Jacobs Benjamin^, Jan3, Peter^, Marinus^) married
Samuel J. Tanner. Child :
(837) Charles H. TannerS : Born .
(DCCXLIX.) Arelia Van Aken^ (Solomon T.e,
Jacob^. Benjamin^, Jan3, Peter^, Marinusi) married
William Swartout. Child :
(838) George Swartouts; Born
(DCCLXV.) Eliza Maria Van Aken' (Peter
Myer^, Ephraim^, Abraham^, Gideon^, Peter2, Marinusi)
was born May 4, 1826 and died March 7, 1867. She
married John L. Hutchings who was born August
7, 1828 and died September 26, 1894. Children :
(839) Kate Ann Hutchings^: Born ; married
Alonzo Houghtaling and had issue Ada Hough-
The VanAaken and Allied Families
taling ; Lester Houghtaling, who died ; Clara
Houghtaling ; Edward McKenzie Houghtaling ;
Inez A. Houghtaling and Ruth M. Houghtaling.
(840) Ezra Hutchings^: Born ; married Louise
Crawford and had issue Maria Louise Hutch-
ings ; Bessie Hutchings and John Lyman
(841) Angle HutchingsS; Born .
(842) Martha Hutchings^ : Born ; married Elmer
(843) Elvin Hutchings^: Born .
(DCCLXVL) Henry Van Aken^ (Peter MyerS.
EphraimS, Abraham^, Gideon3, Peter2, Marinusi) was
born in Esopus ; married MaryShuler. Children :
(844) Anna MayS Born .
(845) Mary Augusta^ : Born ; died .
(846) Bessie Abelles : Born ; died .
(847) Frances Leahs : Born .
(848) EttaLenaS: Born .
(849) Harry Herbert^ : Born .
(DCCLXIX.) Ezra Van Aken? (Peter MyerS,
Ephraim^, Abraham*, Gideon^, Peter2, Marinus^) was
born in Esopus ; married GERTRUDE Elting.
Children ;
(850) Peter MyerS: Born ; married Lydia Sexton,
(851) BurdetteT.8: Born .
(852) Elting FreerS; Born ; married Glennie M.
Pine, a daughter of Thomas J. Pine and Har-
riet Van Dalyn and grand-daughter of Henry
Van Dalyn and Hannah Van Nostrand^ (Jacob
Olde Ulster
V.5, Casparus^, Jacob^, Jacobs Jacob Jansen
Van Nostrandi).
(DCCLXX.) Catherine Ann Van Aken' (Peter
Myer6, EphraimS, Abrahanr*, Gideon^, Peter2, Marinusi)
was born in Esopus ; married Edward S. Abell.
He died May i8, 1893. Children :
(853) Harry Abells : Born .
(854) Lintha Abell^ : Born ; married Chester
(DCCLXXI.) Sarah Jane Van Aken? (Peter
Myer6, EphraimS, Abraham^, Gideon^, Peter2, Marinusi)
was born in Esopus ; died November 3, 1883.
She married Andrew Townsend, who was born ;
died November , 1897, Children:
(855) Peter M. Van Aken Townsend^ ; Born ;
died .
(856) Annie Cora Townsends : Born ; died .
(857) Arthur Townsend^: Born ; married Mag-
gie Wells and had issue Sarah Beulah Town-
(858) Herbert G. Townsends : Born .
(859) Minnie May Townsend^ : Born .
(DCCLXXni.) Eliphas Van Aken' (Marinuse,
EphraimS, Abraham GA Gideon^, Peter^, Marinus^) was
born in Esopus . He married Helen ELLS-
WORTH, who was born ; died June 27, 1890.
Children :
(860) Marinus«: Born ; died (Jet. 31, 1861.
(861) Sylvanus^: Born ; married Mary E. Ronk,
daughter of Frederick Ronk and Lydia Hum-
Thf VanAaken and Allied Families
phrey and grand-daughter of Jeremiah Ronk
and Wyntje Van Ostrand^ (Frederick Freling-
huysenS, Casparus^, Jacob^, Jacob^, Jacob
(862) Mary Loretta^ : Born .
(863) Juh'a Ann8 : Born .
(DCCLXXIV.) Abraham Van Aken' (Marinus^,
Ephraim^, Abraham G.^, Gideon^, Peter^, Marinus^)
was born in Esopus ; married Rachel CATHE-
RINE Cole, daughter of Henry Cole and Delilah Ter-
penning, and grand-daughter of Solomon Terpenning
and Rachel Winfields (John'*, John^, John2, Richardi).
Children :
(864) HenryS : Born ; married Breggie Concklin.
(865) Lizzie^ : Born ; married William F. Freer.
(DCCLXXV.) Margaret Ann Van Aken'
(Marinus^, Ephraim^, Abraham G.^ Gideon^, Peter^,
Marinusi) was born in Esopus ; died July 8, 1893.
She married Nelson Terpenning. Children :
(866) Syntha Jane Terpenning^ : Born ; died .
(867) William Terpenning^ : Born ; married Alma
(868) Andros Terpenning^: Born ; married Jane
E. Ames and had issue Gracie Ann Terpenning ;
Grover Cleveland Terpenning and Harry Ter-
(869) Mary Elizabeth Terpenning^ : Born ; died.
(DCCLXXVn.) Mary Jane Van Aken^ (Mari-
nus6, EphraimS, Abraham G.^ Gideon^, Peter^, Mari-
Olde Ulster
nusi) was born in Esopus and died September 7,
1892. She married Aaron Le Fevre. Children:
(870) Esther Jane Le Fevre^ : Born .
(871) Chester Aaron Le FevreS: Born ; died .
(872) Marinus DeWitt LeFevreS; Born .
(873) Vinal LeFevreS: Born .
Ephraims, Abraham GA Gideon3, Peter2, Marin us^) was
born in Esopus March 14, 1832 and died May 27, 1897.
He was a prominent farmer of the town of Esopns.
He was born on the same farm in Ulster Park, upon
which both his father and grand-father were born. He
married Phoebe Ann Townsend. Children :
(874) George^ : Born ; married Selena Terpen-
ning, daughter of Seeley Terpenning and
Helen Van Aken.
(875) Edwin^: Born ; married Carrie B. Hough-
(DCCLXXXL) James E. Van AKEN7(Ephraim6,
Ephraims, Abraham G.'*, Gideon^ Peter^ Marinusi)
was born in Esopus . He married Sarah A.
Freer, daughter of Garret L Freer. She was born
died May 5, 1893. Children:
(876) LorettaS; Born .
(877) Elizabeths: Born ; married Millard F. Ells-
(DCCLXXXIL) Elisabeth Sarah Van Aken^
(Ephraim^, Ephraim^. Abraham G.^, Gideon^, Peter2,
Marinus^) was born in Esopus and married OLI-
VER J. Terpenning, son of John S. Terpenning and
The VanAaken and Allied Families
grandson of Solomon Terpenning and Rachel Win-
fields (John4, John^, John2, Richardi). Children :
(878) Alva Terpenning 8; Born ; married Lucy
Ellsworth and had issue James Elbert Ter-
penning and Harriet May Terpenning.
(879) Eliza Helen Terpenning^ : Born ; married
William Ellsworth and had issue Eliza Ann
Ellsworth, William Lester Ellsworth and Beu-
lah May Ellsworth.
(DCCLXXXIIl.) Ephraim L. Van Aken' (Levis,
EphraimS, Abraham G.^, Gideon^, Peter^, Marinus^) was
born in Esopus and married Sally Ann Ackerman.
Children :
(880) Jesse A.8 : Born ; married Carrie B. Kisi.
(881) Etta Jane^: Born ; married John Corbett.
(882) Sylvanus T.^ : Born ; married Lizzie Van
(883) WillieS; Born ; died.
(DCCLXXXIV.) Theron Van Aken' (Levi^,
Ephraim^, Abraham G.^, Gideon^, Peter^, Marinus^)
born ; married CHARLOTTE ACKERMAN, daugh-
ter of David Ackerman. Children :
(884) Lorrine Perine^: Born ; died .
(885) Arthur Levis : Born ; died .
(886) Angle CoraS: Born .
(887) Melissa AgnesS : Born .
Leslie B.^ : Born ; died .
(DCCCIV.) Jesse Van Aken' (Isaac D.e, Jaco-
bus5, Abraham G.^, Gideon^, Peter^, Marinus^ (was
Olde Ulster
born and married Margaret Ann Van Wage-
NEN. Children :
(889) LillieS: Born ; died .
(890) EmmaS : Born ; married Clarence Benton.
(891) George^ : Born ; married Jessie Young.
(DCCCIII.) Eliza Helen Van Aken' (Isaac D.e,
Jacobus^, Abraham G.'*, Gideon^, Peter^, Marinusi) was
born ; married Seelah Terpenning. Children :
(892) Selena TerpenningS; Born ; married George
Van Aken.
(893) George H. Terpenning^: Born .
(894) Israel B, Terpenning S; Born .
(895) Anna V. TerpenningS : Born .
(DCCCV.) Alfred Van Aken^ (Isaac D.e, Jaco-
busS, Abraham G.^, Gideon^, Peter^, Marinus^) was
born , and married Almira Bedford. Children :
(896) Ann Etta^ : Born ; married Charles Schoon-
(897) Clarence^: Born ; married Sarah Eckert.
To be continued
Our old colonial town is new with May :
The loving trees that clasp across the streets,
Grow greener sleeved with bursting buds each day.
Still this year's May the last year's May repeats;
Even the old stone houses half renew
Their youth and beauty, as the old trees do.
May in Kingston
High over all, like some divine desire
Above our lower thoughts of daily care,
The gray, religious, heaven-touching spire
Adds to the quiet of the spring-time air;
And over roofs the birds create a sea,
That has no shore, of their May melody.
Down through the lowlands now of lightest green,
The undecided creek winds on its way.
There the lithe willow bends with graceful mien.
And sees its likeness in the depths all day;
While in the orchards, flushed with May's warm light,
The bride-like fruit-trees dwell, attired in white.
But yonder loom the mountains old and grand,
That off, along dim distance, reach afar.
And high and vast, against the sunset stand,
A dreamy range, long and irregular —
A caravan that never passes by.
Whose camel-backs are laden with the sky.
So like a caravan, our outlived years
Loom on the introspective landscape seen
Within the heart : and now, when May appears,
And earth renews its vernal bloom and green,
We but renew our longing, and we say;
Oh, would that life might ever be all May !
"Would that the bloom of youth that is so brief,
The bloom, the May, the fullness ripe and fair
Of cheek and Hmb, might fade not as the leaf;
Would that the heart might not grow old with care,
Nor love turn bitter, nor fond hope decay;
But soul and body lead a life of May ! "
Henry Abbey
Publifhed Monthly, in the City of
Kingfton, New York, by
Terms : — Three dollars a year in A dvance. Single
Copies, twenty-five cents
Entered as second class matter at the post office at Kingston, N. Y.
The Issue of this Magazine for December, 1905
contained the story of the expedition of Captain Mar-
tin Cregier up the valley of the Rondout to " old fort,"
in pursuit of the captive women and children taken at
the massacre of June 7th, 1663 at Wildwyck (Kings-
ton) and the Nieuw Dorp (Hurley). It gave the iden-
tification of the Rev. Charles Scott, D.D. ot the site
of the old fort at Kerhonkson as on Shurker Hill, near
the line between the present towns of Rochester and
Wawarsing. This site has never received acceptance
by many students as that of the spot where " old fort "
stood, while that of "new fort" at Shawangunk has
been accepted. The late Edward M. Ruttenber
always insisted that the old fort stood on Indian Hill
at the village of Wawarsing. The editor of Olde
Ulster had contemplated a visit with him to this site
to examine whether it met the conditions of Cregier's
journal. The death of Mr. Ruttenber prevented it.
The Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smith-
sonian Institution would do well to scientifically
explore the Indian remains on this hill.
Teacher of the Violin
A graduate of the Ithaca Conservatory of Music ,
studied with pupils of Dr. Joachhim and Ysaye ;
now studying at the Metropolitan College of Music,
New York City, with Herwegh von Ende, a pupil of
Carl Halir.
Studio :
No. 22^ Tremper Avenue,
Lessons, One Dollar
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All Best Varieties
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Copies of each number of OLD^
ULSTER for igo5, igo6, igoy,
I go 8 and igog can still be obtained
at twenty 'five cents each.